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Biologic Disasters

I took Xolair for 18 months and experienced anaphylactic shock. I took Fasenra for 8 months and stopped breathing, was in a bipap machine for a week and was given 240 mg of methylprednisolone for a week. I am still recovering and have permanent damages -serious damage. My medical bills have skyrocketed.
My pulmonologist told me Dupixent was different. It was. After the 4th injection, I developed a migraine that lasted eight weeks. I had welts the size of golf balls all over. It has been 2 years since I stopped Dupixent; I am still having problems. My asthma has never been worse and I haven't seen a pulmonologist since because he wants me to go back on Dupixent or try another dangerous biologic. NO! We are guinea pigs and a significant number of us are dying or badly damaged. This is gross medicine. Why? Profit?

  1. Hi. Thank you for sharing your personal experience and thoughts here. I'm so sorry for all you've been through with these medications. It sounds incredibly challenging and frustrating. Your concerns about being treated like a 'guinea pig' and the motives behind certain medical practices are valid. Your health should always be the top priority, and it's essential to find doctors who listen to your concerns and work with you to find safe and effective treatments. Seeking a second opinion from another specialist might be helpful. Is this something I that you have/would consider? John. community moderator

    1. - like , I want to extend my thoughts of sympathy and concern regarding your detailed ordeal with medications and asthma. Experiencing anaphylactic shock with Xolair and severe adverse reactions with Fasenra must have been incredibly frightening and traumatic. It's concerning to hear about the lasting impacts and permanent damage you've endured, both physically and financially, due to these treatments. I certainly hope you've found help for both and are on a healing path.

      Your experience with Dupixent also sounds distressing, with the development of prolonged migraines and severe welts. Understandably, you're hesitant to try another biological medication given your past occurrences. In addition, experiencing the sensation of being a test subject in medical treatment can evoke even greater distress and frustration. We truly understand your current circumstances.

      Wondering if you have sought alternative treatment options that you feel comfortable with? Maybe explore non-biologic treatment options or alternative approaches to managing your asthma. Here's an article that may help guide you: At the bottom of the article, it proposes alternative methods. I hope you find this helpful in directing you toward relief. Our health is complicated, and it can be overwhelming and straining, but I hope you do not walk away, hands in the air, and give up. How can we help? What information do you need? We're here to lend an ear and offer support. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (team member)

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