Allergy Shots

I had shared before that the doctor I thought was on the right track suddenly stopped responding so I decided after several calls and emails to look for a new doctor. My new doctor appointment was at an allergy and asthma clinic. In the 45 minutes I waited to be called, I saw at least 40 people line up with their Epi-pen to get their allergy shots. For a moment during my wait I had the thought of just leaving. Is this a conveyor belt of allergy shots? Does everyone have allergies? But not having much of a choice, I went into the appointment.

For background, I have severe asthma and take high doses of inhalers to control (somewhat). After visiting the nurse and the doctor and seeing that I already tried everything available, you guessed it-- I was recommended to do an allergy screening. I took allergy shots as a child back in the late 60s, I am sure the science has improved and maybe I do have new allergies that are worsening my asthma.

After 58 punctures I did manage to react to about 4 molds, a tree, and a couple of other allergens. I had blood drawn for special immunologic testing and now I am part of the conveyor belt! On one side, I am hoping this will help reduce my medication needs and on the other hand, I am feeling duped. Do I really need to get these injections?

I would like to know if other people have had good luck with allergy shots. I keep my fingers crossed that they will work.

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