Controlling My Asthma

My dad is dying of COPD and Level 2 respiratory failure. He is stabilized with oxygen but I have come dangerously close to losing my dad four times since my birthday when he was officially diagnosed with this condition in 2020.

I am his caregiver and I have asthma also. I was asked how I cope with my asthma as it is well controlled. I don't know how I can look after it so well as I have never had a problem with it other than when I had a chest infection.

Don't try this. I did this under close medical supervision.

I was requested to stop my inhalers for a month to see how my asthma reacts to being my dad's caregiver and it didn't react at all. Everything was fine to the point that I could stop all my meds if I wanted to. But I still take it.

What works for me doesn't work for everyone.

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