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"Regarding your recent article about how my asthma cough sounds: it varies. Currently I’m suffering an asthma attack, and the cough that keeps both me and my husband up all night sounds like a very loud barking seal, similar to my son’s croup Cough from the time when he was in a crib up to about 11 years of age. I just turned 79, live in Costa Rica since my early 60s, and have been able to ward off acute asthma attacks for over a year prior to this one."

  1. Good afternoon. Thank you for the update. I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing an asthma attack. Your description of the cough sounds distressing, and it's understandable how it can disrupt both your sleep and your husband's. Asthma coughs can indeed vary widely, and it's reassuring to know that others have experienced similar symptoms. I've encountered the barking seal-like cough you described in some asthma patients I've cared for over the years, so you're definitely not alone in experiencing this. Have you had a chance to discuss your current attack with your healthcare provider? They may have suggestions to help alleviate your symptoms. If you've already spoken with them, I hope their recommendations are proving helpful.Take care, and wishing you a speedy recovery. John, Community Moderator