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Megan Marjorie

Asthma Megan MarjorieGrowing up in a small town, I thought I was the ONLY person with a body like mine. But after starting an anonymous blog on social media, childhood determined to hide my illness evolved into a passion for patient advocacy work. Along with my asthma (which was diagnosed in high school), I have a plethora of chronic diseases and I now share my life and my story of living with multiple chronic illnesses on multiple social media platforms. I have been published on websites like MSN, Yahoo, and The Mighty, and have done radio, podcast, and news interviews all about living life with chronic disease. The “Chronic Illness Community“ has absolutely changed my life, and I feel honored to be a part of it; and hope to continue to share my story on a wider scale and help others through my experiences. In my free time, my goal is to go out and take photos (I absolutely love photography), but you can usually find me cuddling my dog, editing photos, watching travel vloggers on YouTube, reading, painting, poorly playing the ukulele, or hanging out with friends and family.

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