Mom said I was diagnosed at 6 months of age. I was born in 1956. I had asthma every time I caught a cold or was exposed to allergens. Mom had asthma too, so she knew many triggers and kept me away from them. As I got older, around kindergarten, I had some asthma most days. Our family took a trip to Florida and I had a very bad attack. The doctor in Florida prescribed a steroid cough medicine. It was miraculous. Mom and dad had it refilled several times. When they could no longer fill it, the asthma came back. So, we were sent to Oklahoma Allergy Clinic. They tested for everything. I was allergic to all breakfast food. I was allergic to trees, grass, weeds, dust, and mold. So, I started getting 2 shots a week. I was 6. I was prescribed an asthma spray that worked beautifully. We also had Marax in pill form for when asthma got bad. I already had scars on my lungs by my 6th birthday. The allergy shots helped, but I still had asthma every day. Fast forward to the 1990s, I was prescribed my first preventive inhaler. It was amazing. Then during the same decade, albuterol solution. Managing asthma now is so much better than 68 years ago. The asthma in my family is familial. My mother, uncle, brother, sister, children, and grandchildren have asthma.