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Asthma Inhaler Users in the US Are Getting Screwed Bigtime

I’m afraid it’s yet another Big Pharma rip off…

I’m an American senior citizen in the UK. I couldn’t afford inhaler costs in the US, even under Medicare benefits. Fostair inhalers are available under the NHS (yes that organisation is regularly pillaged by the UK government but that’s another story). Currently NHS Rx costs for those under age 60 are ~$14 each; fortunately, at age 60, all prescriptions are free of charge still.

Check out what the NHS pays for inhalers in the link below. Ventolin (salbutamol) rescue inhalers cost the NHS <$4. Fostair 100/6 or 200/6 cost the NHS ~$40 and the user gets them for ~$14. Kind of a different picture Stateside at $200 retail and $80 with good insurance. Absolutely disgusting…—costs

Just another example of corporate greed allowed through lobbyist racketeers.

  1. We certainly hear you, . It is terribly frustrating! The cost of asthma inhalers in the United States can be notably higher compared to other countries, including the UK. The reasons for these cost differences are complex and multifaceted. Several factors contribute to the high cost of prescription medications in the United States, and some of these factors include a lack of price regulation, pharmaceutical practices, the structure of health insurance companies, and the protection of patents on drugs. These all affect the price paid by individuals here in the US. Contrarily, in the UK and many other countries, there are often more centralized approaches to healthcare and drug pricing. Government agencies or health systems negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies, resulting in lower prices for medications. This is definitely an important topic to bring up in the community. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (community moderator)

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