I remember mentioning to my pulmonologist that I knew I was going to have an asthma attack when my scalp began to itch. He has never had anyone tell him this symptom before but told me it made sense to him. My scalp was probably itching because enough oxygen was not getting to my brain. I have had asthma my entire life ( I'm 67) and he was the first doctor who actually listened and believed what I was telling him. He has since retired and I haven't found any other doctor that I liked as much as him. I also have inherited COPD (he was the doctor that diagnosed me when I was 40). My skin will often begin itching before an asthma attack, not surprised, since I also have hay fever and I'm allergic to many things. Asthma affects us in so many different ways, I often wish I had been one of the "lucky ones" that "outgrew" asthma as I got older.