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Asthma Itch/Dupixent Reaction

For me, it usually starts on my scalp then worsens and travels to my neck. I usually will have my neck and chin look red as well. Lately, I’ve developed a rash between my thumb and second finger after taking my injectable biological med so my doc is trying to decrease this flare and I’m sure there will be med changes for me forthcoming.
Other prodromal signs for me are a carb-craving diet starting about 24 hours before a flare-up as well as overwhelming fatigue and a rapid decrease in activity tolerance. Typically the next day the tight productive cough and chest tightness set in. To date, I’ve not been successful in avoiding day two but feel I have been able to ramp up meds enough to avoid ER visits.
Has anyone out there developed a reaction to Dupixent? I’ve been on it for 3+ years but seem to be becoming allergic to it. Very sad as it REALLY changed my life for the better when we added it.

  1. OH yes, the scalp is a common place to get the itch and on down to the chin. It's neat that you are able to read the signs that your body is about to experience a flare-up. Glad you have been able to adjust your meds when you experience these early warning signs to avoid the ER. Dupixent is one of the few asthma medicines I have not tried yet. Although, I do know of others in the community who have. I certainly hope one or more of them chime in here. I am also curious to know what they have to say. All the best to you. John. community moderator.

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