Just a heads up:
Everyone in my house came down with bacterial pneumonia and of course it triggered my asthma. I have been hospitalized and home 2 weeks. My pulmonolgist warned me this attack would be particularly hard because I have been living isolated in a bubble, not subjecting myself to bugs in the environment to build up my immune system. I didn't get covid and have been vaccinated, still wearing a mask. I thought I was still being proactive, but had started going out some. Someone visiting had it, so don't let your guard down after a yr of being careful. This has been an extremely hard attack where my oxygen dropped to 83% all of a sudden going to restroom. Ambulance called, hospitalized. It has been dangerous at times. We all had to have 2 different antibiotics, I am on week 2 of steroids and still on 4L/oxygen min., spending about 12-15 hrs out of each
24 hr period on cpap to give my body time to heal. I am posting this because I had been doing well with my asthma through covid and felt I was doing all the right things. I forgot my body wasn't use to being around people. Build your immune system back up before jumping back into life.