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Asthma - pregnancy please help!

please help. I am currently taking brown inhaler (beclamethasone) and blue inhaler - I have been told by many steroid should be avoided in first trimester due to birth defects? I can’t survive without my inhaler?! What steroid inhaler did people take pregnant? Or an alternative?

  1. You will want to talk to your OB doctor who should be collaborating with your asthma doctor about what meds and asthma plan are best for you. Keeping your airway healthy is a good thing and they will know the safest way to do that both for you and baby. They also have the resources to know what meds are safest for you during pregnancy.

    1. I see you also received a response from . And I have to say I agree with her. Your doctors know your personal situation best and should be able to inform you as to whether or not to continue on with your current asthma treatment. That said, I do know that many doctors will agree that your breathing is very important to the baby's health. So some doctors, depending on your degree of control, may determine that the benefits of asthma medicines outweigh the potential risks. But that is a decision to be made by your doctors, as they know you best. If you are looking for further reading on this topic, we do have some articles on our site. I will post a link below to them if you are interested. What do you think? ( John. community moderator.

      1. Hi. I am just curious if you have had time to review the above responses to your inquiry? I think it was a great question and am curious as to what your thoughts are. Also, Is this something you plan on talking to your doctor about? John. community moderator.

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