At age 47 I developed hypopituitarism and hypothyroidism, becoming dependent on steroids as I was at risk of addisonian crisis. I developed infection after infection and over the last 2 years have had numerous emergency hospital admissions for potentially life threatening infections. At 57 I was finally seen by a lung function consultant. She did the tests on me and looked at all my blood tests over a few years.
She was able to identify eosinophil levels indicating my own already compromised immune system was attacking healthy cells... I think that's the gist of it. Anyway, I was prescribed a targeted biological therapy by self administered monthly injection. I had the first one 4 days ago and I am a different person. I am not coughing and wheezing and constantly dizzy and short of breath. I can walk further than my driveway and I am unlikely to be another statistic... taken by asthma. I have lost count of how many times I have woken in the resus department or intensive care. I already feel like I have been given another chance to actually live my life. I often wonder if my hypopituitarism and steroid medication has caused all of this. It effects my pancreas as I have reactive hypoglycemia... I make too much insulin. Autoimmune diseases run in my family. I wonder how many others out there have addisonian or have experience of biological treatment.