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Can asthma kill you?

I've had it since I was born and I wondering if you do take care of it can it still kill you no matter how hard you try to get rid of it??

  1. Hi JulianneBarbuto123 - this is a very serious, and very complex question. Asthma is a disease that can be treated and is considered to be reversible as well. All diseases have the capacity to deteriorate unexpectedly without proper treatment, maintenance and care. This most profound question should really be taken up (in person) with the physician who is providing your health care and treating you for asthma. Kindly do check back with us and let us know how you're doing. All the best, Leon (site moderator)

    1. Hi JulianneBarbuto123. The short answer is yes. Asthma is serious. Sadly in my practice as a paramedic I have seen people die from it because they didn't get treatment in time. Please discuss this with your physician. Please also let us know how you are doing. I saw Leon replied to you 9 months ago and you haven't replied. Remember, just because when it is severe enough it can doesn't mean you will let an exacerbation progress enough so it will. Val

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