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Improving the inhalation technique

Space to share sources of information for improving the inhalation technique to improve asthma control.

  1. Hello everyone 😀 I want to share this site, which in my experience can help in understanding the correct use of an inhaler.

    1. Hello , I started this project about 5 years ago, but I had to invest quite some time in studying programming to develop the animated videos, so this is the result of that 😀 thank you for the feedback, I will keep the site updated.

      Best regards,

    2. Well, that's fantastic! Thanks for your commitment to helping others and for sharing with us! -Melissa, team

  2. Thank you for sharing these articles, I'm finding that this community has much knowledge on this topic already and for sure I will be looking into using your articles (and the community) to improve what I have learned so far!!

    1. Hi again, Jose, and thanks for acknowledging my response to you. I am glad you are finding our community is appealing and informative for you. If there is anything we can assist you with, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
      You are always welcome here!
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator

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