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Long term side effects from treatment

Born in 1958 with severe asthma & major allergies. From about 6 months old to almost 5 years of age a major treatment was injection of Ephedrine with sulfur. My mother was told that two long term effects would be 1.) breaking bones very easily-I have broken both wrists twice, most if not all bones in my right hand, my left foot, and to this day, I will snap a rib or two. All these breaks did not require much force. Wrist from roller skating, one while playing football. My foot broke from my jumping from three stairs, and ribs from rough housing with grandkids, to just simply leaning over the arm of a chair to pick up something on the floor. AND 2.) I would lose all my teeth by my mid twenties due to the sulfur. I did manage to keep them well into my late 50’s only from due diligence by my mother. I was the only child out of 7 of us kids that went to the dentist at least twice a year. In my adulthood, thanks to good dental insurance from work, I had all of my teeth crowned. ($$$) however, in my sixties the majority of my teeth were completely rotted under the crowns which resulted in them literally snapping off right at the gum line. I am currently suffering great pain and have lost 50+ pounds in the last two months as I really can no longer eat solid foods.
I am curious if there are others that have experienced similar.
As I am retired on Medicare my dental insurance is pretty much nonexistent. I did have a recent quote of $ 5000.00 to have all pulled and a two plate set of implants made, but as I am widowed and currently taking care of my youngest daughter & her daughter living with me and aside from her EBT benefits I provide 100% of their care. So unfortunately implants are out of reach.
As I stated above, I am REALLY curious if others have or are currently suffering the same, and would like to know what or if anything can be done. Thank you

  1. I'm truly sorry to hear about the immense pain you're experiencing and the challenges you're facing, especially concerning your dental health and its impact on your ability to eat solid foods. It's incredibly tough to cope with the physical discomfort, particularly when it affects your day-to-day life and well-being. My hope is others will respond soon to your inquiry. I'll circle back to see what others are posting.

    Your situation highlights the difficult choices many individuals face, especially when dental care can be prohibitively expensive, particularly on a fixed income like Medicare. The quote you received for dental implants underscores the financial burden that such treatments can impose, especially for those already stretched thin financially, like yourself, providing care for loved ones.

    You're not alone in your struggles. It's understandable to seek solace and advice from others who may have experienced similar challenges. While I'm not a healthcare professional, and cannot give advice, I encourage you to reach out to your healthcare provider or a dental specialist who may be able to provide guidance and explore alternative options for managing your dental health within your financial constraints. Additionally, there may be community resources or assistance programs available to help individuals in your situation access the care they need.

    It's terribly important to advocate for yourself and explore all available avenues for support and assistance. Your experiences and concerns are truly valid. I send compassion and support as you navigate these difficult circumstances. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (team member)

    1. I post this link to get you started on your journey toward better health, With regards, Rebecca

      1. I myself have struggled with my teeth. I don't have any back teeth on the bottom of my mouth. So I do struggle eating. I depend on one tooth to be able to chew tough foods. I don't know what I'll do if that tooth ever is gone. So I absolutely feel your pain.

        1. - We truly understand and empathize with you regarding the difficult struggles you encounter concerning dental health. Your empathy and understanding towards others who are facing difficulties, such as those with asthma, show a compassionate spirit. Should you ever need support or someone to talk to about your dental and/or asthma concerns, we are here to listen. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)

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