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My Asthma Hell

I only suffered from this when my dad was fighting for his life. Because he had COPD, level 2 respiratory failure, and the flu. Thankfully he was with the medical team when he took his last breath. When they knew nothing more could be done to save him they kept him comfortable. I do not wish on anyone what I went through because it was horrible to watch. But I am grateful for my dad having a friend there when he needed to get medical help and the medical professionals doing what they could for my dad.

  1. My heart goes out to you in the loss of your dad. It's clear how much you cared for him. Do you also have asthma? Having a good medical team can make all the difference. -Melissa, team

    1. I had no anxiety issues. I brought up blood from a chest infection as I am allergic to pencillin. They were also checking up on me about my other health issues.

    2. Hi again, Kamilla - we appreciate this response as well. I am glad to hear you have a good relationship with your medical team.
      Keep up the good work!
      Leon (site moderator

  2. , I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I can understand your situation. My Nephew had childhood asthma which was misdiagnosed so it got really bad. He could not breathe while lying down. When we finally found a doctor through the telehealth Ongo Care who knew what it was and treated it properly, it improved very quickly. He eventually grew out of it and no longer needs to use the inhaler at all, although he cannot tolerate strong smells, smoke, or air fresheners.

    1. Hi colferstacy, and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having joined yesterday, in the early afternoon. We are glad to see you are already engaging with the community through this, your first post.
      We truly appreciate your first post being one that provides your own support and encouragement to the community. We also value you sharing your own personal experience about your nephew managing this disease. It is not unusual to have asthma under good control and yet (as in your nephew's case), must remain vigilant about certain specific triggers!
      I will look forward to your continued engagement with the community. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
      You are always welcome here.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator

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