Actually, one of the respiratory therapists here, , is a singer and musician. 😀
I also tagged her above so she can stop by and speak for herself if and when she has the time. 😀
I do not have asthma (as far as I know), but I do have a bit of a smaller lung capacity because of my premature birth. When I was younger, I learned to play the clarinet and joined the school band when I was around 11. That was actually a huge factor in increasing my lung capacity and feeling stronger generally.
I don't play clarinet these days -- it is gathering dust in my closet -- but I have been singing in a women's choir recently. It's amazing how much you learn about your body and lungs by singing properly, especially when it's been a long time! Talk about a workout. Once again, I find that after about a year of practice I tend to breathe deeper now, from the diaphragm. My singing has gotten better during this time too because of better breath support. Yay!
How about you? Thanks for bringing up this fun topic. -Melissa, team