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I've learned about it online and have consulted my allergy doctor about it. He doesn't know much about it but suggested I contact Stanford Hospital to find out if I'd be a good candidate which I will do tomorrow. My asthma has been particularly bad the last few months, my PFT's are showing decreased lung function and I'm willing to try anything to be able to breathe better. Apparently, Stanford is the only place offering the treatment in the S.F. Bay area but I'd like to get more input about it such as side effects and risks before going through with it if I qualify as a candidate. Any comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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HeaavyBreather Member
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HeaavyBreather Member
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My mood has been up and down. Waiting to hear from the Standford U. folks to hear if I qualify for BT. However, That may be moot because several respondents have said the procedure may be discontinued soon. Strange, because a routine offering a 75% success rate(or improvement in lung function-not sure which) doesn't seem like it would be of questionable value, at least to me. In the meantime, my breathing is worsening no matter what meds I take and my activities are becoming more limited. Encouraging words are always are always welcome. Take care, Melissa. Best regards, Peter.
P. S. I am keeping my fingers crossed as I am about to click on the "Post reply" box
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
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Hi again,
I think it's a good idea for you to do your own research regarding the bronchial thermoplasty procedure. As it turns out, we do have some material, published right here on, which focuses on this type treatment.
For your convenience, here are links to two of them:
First, this one, by our editorial team, which talks about the procedure:
And next, this article, by our own (
I do hope this information helps you with it's inherent content.
Please do check back and keep us apprised of your progress as you look into this procedure for yourself.
Good luck!
Leon L (author/moderator
heavybreather Member
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Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
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Leon L (author/moderator
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
Hi again,
I think it's a good idea for you to do your own research regarding the bronchial thermoplasty procedure. As it turns out, we do have some material, published right here on, which focuses on this type treatment.
For your convenience, here are links to two of them:
First, this one, by our editorial team, which talks about the procedure:
And next, this article, by our own ( Theresa Cannizzaro, Respiratory Therapist ), who speaks about her own procedure:
I do hope this information helps you with it's inherent content.
Please do check back and keep us apprised of your progress as you look into this procedure for yourself.
Good luck!
Leon L (author/moderator
P. S. I re-posted this response now since my first response addressed the incorrect community member (heavybreather with one 'a'😉. It has been pointed out to me that your account is heaavybreather, with an extra 'a' in heaavy).
HeaavyBreather Member
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Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
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Is something on your mind? I will look forward to hearing back from you again.
All the best,
Leon L (author/moderator
HeaavyBreather Member
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Thanks for the info, Leon. I'll check it out. Have an interview tomorrow with Stanford Hospital. Let you know how it goes. The last 2 months have been bad. Take care. Peter
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
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I am excited for you to know that today (Thursday), you have an interview at Stanford Hospital, in California. Perhaps you will finally get some answers as to how to proceed for yourself with the right medical direction. I will wish you 'good luck!', and ask that you please check back and let us know how this all turns out for you.
We're all rooting for you, Peter!
Leon L (author/moderator