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Tube Length; Nebulizer Design

How long can tube length be? Because, of course, want to be a long distance from the noise.
Have not been able to find a well designed nebulizer and do not have the money to patent one. Current design demands at least one change in tube direction which would tend to flatten or decrease the diameter. Need one that can be hung from the ceiling above the patient so the tubing can be perfectly straight.

  1. Hi, and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having joined today, just about 4 hours ago. We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through your first two posts.
    You've asked a good question! Typically, concerns about tubing length (as posted here and also on, focus on oxygen supply tubing when using a nasal cannula device. Your question seems (to me), that you may have an interest in tubing length when it comes to corrugated style tubing and the use of large volume nebulizers.
    Before I provide an answer for you, would you be good enough to clarify for which tubing you have these concerns?
    Thanks so much!
    Leon (site moderator

    1. It sounds like you have a thoughtful and creative spirit. Good stuff. Hopefully if you are a little more specific (see Leon's questions above), we can help you come up with something. I have another thought: if the issue is about the noise the nebulizer makes, could you try wearing noise-canceling headphones or similar during your treatments? This way you could continue to enjoy music or other media while blocking out a good bit of the sound from the machine. What do you think? Thanks for sharing! -Melissa, team

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