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Pollen Has Entered the Building

Alright, here we go, let's chat about pollen and its effects on our good old friend, asthma. Now, I am not here to bore you with all the scientific jargon, as exciting as that can be. No, no, we are going to keep it light and bright!!!

So, imagine you are strolling through a meadow, enjoying the beauty of nature, when suddenly you cannot breathe. What's up with that, right? Well, blame it on the pesky pollen floating around in the air. It is like the invisible enemy, just waiting to attack those sensitive airways of ours.

It's like breathing through a straw

Now, if you are one of the lucky ones with asthma, you probably already know the drill. Pollen can trigger those annoying symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and feeling like you are breathing through a straw. It is like your lungs are throwing a tantrum at the slightest hint of pollen in the air.

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But hey, it's not all doom and gloom. There are ways to combat the pollen menace and keep your asthma in check.

Keeping my asthma in check with pollen levels high

Check the forecast

First off, keep an eye on the pollen forecast. Yeah, that's a thing. You can actually check if the pollen levels are going to be high and prepare yourself accordingly.

Invest in a good purifier

Next up, invest in a good ol' air purifier. Think of it as your trusty sidekick in the battle against pollen. It will help keep the air in your home nice and clean, so you can breathe easy, literally.

My current one has actually packed up so I need to get one ASAP. When doing my research, I will look for ones that are economical to run and not overly expensive but not too cheap either.

Remembering to take my meds

And of course, let's not forget about my favorite solution - medication. Yep, those inhalers and pills may not be the most glamorous accessories, but they sure do the trick when pollen decides to wreak havoc on your respiratory system. I try to stay vigilant, and be prepared. Sure, there are times I still get caught out but just being aware of this is at least a start.

Regular showering

After a long day at work who knows what pathogens have fallen on you and in your hair. I make sure to take regular showers to wash off any pollen and dust that might have dropped onto me.

The last thing I want to do at night is to climb into bed without showering knowing that all the days particles and allergens will now be in my bed. Yuck!

I should also say that it's probably wise to change the bed linen frequently but sometimes I'm not great at this. Always room for improvement, right everyone!?

Stay safe and on top of your condition

So, essentially, pollen and asthma may not be the best of friends, but with a little preparation and the right tools in your arsenal, you can show that pesky pollen who's boss.

Stay vigilant, my asthmatic pals, and remember, breathing is cool.

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