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Give Us a Break, 2022! 

We are heading swiftly through March and 2022 is not showing any signs of slowing down. To be frank, I did not envisage 2022 being such a poor start for me. I have had one illness after another, intent on pulling me down, but I am using what I call my "Bat Powers" to fight back against the bugs, wheeziness, and itching. I am not quite winning the battle, but I am still in the war. That is what I keep telling myself anyway.

My immune system to start 2022

Since the year began, I have had to take many days off work due to chest infections, skin infections, and just general unwellness. I have not seemed to get on top of these problems. My immune system is all over the place at the minute, however, there are some signs that my health could be turning the corner.

Other medicines on top of my asthma medicine

Being a long-term asthmatic, I know how important it is to try and stay well because when I am well, my asthma is easy to keep at bay. When I get sick, my asthma nearly always gets bad. When this happens I have to up my steroid intake (Seretide) to manage my breathing more effectively. If this happens, it means that although I feel it is easier on my lungs, my overall health feels oddly worse. I suppose that because I am putting more medication into my body it means there are more chemicals going in, which although I need them, could be the reason why I feel unwell a lot of the time. Who knows?

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Right now, I am on a heavy dose of Flucloxacillin to try and rid myself of an Impetigo infection that I contracted nearly two weeks ago. Add to that a potent nasal ointment, chlorhexidine dihydrochloride, the drug name Naseptin. This along with my asthma medicine is taking its toll on my body. What I ideally need right now is to go away to a nice warm climate and just rest up, and make sure I am eating and drinking clean. If only life was that simple. There are bills to pay! That is the reality!

There is still hope for asthma in 2022

As I said earlier, there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel, but I am not getting too excited because there is still a long way to go. My asthma is normalizing now, and my body is starting to heal. Perhaps the slightly warmer weather is helping with this.

I want to get out and exercise but I am not quite there, health-wise, yet. If you had told me as a kid that my asthma and eczema would be so very debilitating in my mid-40s I would not have believed you. When you are young you think you are invincible, even with all your ailments present. I really wish I could go back to my eight-year-old self and say, "don't eat this, don't drink that. Trust me, you will thank me one day." It is amazing how much knowledge and medical advancements we have made since the late 1970s. That is one thing I have to be grateful for.

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