I Needed a Break from My Asthma

I needed a break. So I took one. I have been so overwhelmed the last few months (years) with life, health, and everything else that goes along with being alive. If you are human, you can probably relate. I have written quite a bit about burnout in the past, and you can go back and read those articles if you are interested. But this summer, my burnout reached a whole new level. I am still trying to get back on the bandwagon with some of my medications and other therapies relating to my many health conditions.

Needing a break from my asthma inhaler

I have also written specifically about my love-hate relationship with my steroid inhaler and my continual struggle to take it every day. I have tried all methods of accountability, tracking, etcetera to stay on track with it, but I’ve completely jumped ship this summer.

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I have an excellent relationship with my pulmonologist and was able to discuss my struggles with him. He is very understanding and knows that I have many health issues to keep up with, aside from my asthma. After talking things over, he agreed that it would be okay to take a break from my steroid inhaler, as long as I was doing ok, and said that I could use it as needed throughout the summer.

I was quite relieved after talking to him. And glad that he was understanding of my position. So, I have taken a break. I put my inhaler in the cabinet and it has sat there for a few months. I think I’ve taken it out twice this summer to use it, although I know there were many more times that I should have reached for it. But that’s okay.

Getting back on track

However, with the fall and winter fast approaching, and peak week hitting next week, I think it’s time for me to get back to it. I would like to think that I’ll start using it every day like I am supposed to. But, let's be real here. I’m sure I’m going to struggle to make that happen. Growing up I was very much a perfectionist, which honestly isn’t always a healthy way to be. In the last couple of years, I’ve come to realize that there is a huge difference between “doing the best I can” and “doing things perfectly”. One is attainable, and the other isn’t.

So, my plan is to pull my sticker chart back out and start doing my best at taking my maintenance inhaler on a regular basis. I’m not going to lie, I really enjoyed my hiatus, but now I need to get back into the swing of it since the seasons are changing. Fall and winter have been notoriously difficult on my lungs, so I need to do what I can to get ahead of it. I am sure I will post an update sooner or later.

What's your experience?

Is there an aspect of your health maintenance that you struggle with? Whether it’s an inhaler, tablets, or an injectable medicine, I’d love to hear about it and what you do to manage when you are burned out!

Treatment results and side effects can vary from person to person. This treatment information is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Talk to your doctor about what to expect before starting and while taking any treatment.
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