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"Kinda like garbage ngl. Anyways
I'm a high schooler with asthma, totally ashamed of it but I try to not be"

  1. Hey, Canary! Welcome to the site. 😀 You're definitely not the first high schooler with asthma. I know that doesn't fix the way you feel, but SO many people have been in your shoes.

    How are you doing with your asthma? Do you have a lot of attacks or need to use your inhaler in school? Can I ask why you feel ashamed?

    Try to be gentle with yourself. It's not your fault that you have asthma and need medicine for that. It's not really any different than having glasses, or braces, or a wheelchair, or anxiety. We all have *something* we're dealing with. <3

    Feel free to vent if you want. That's why we're here. -Melissa, team