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"Glad this forum exists, even if no one else reads this, because though i am blessed every day, sometimes i just need to pour a bit of my heart out. Today i am feeling weak, and tired, and a little fearful about the future. I can barely exert myself lately without being s.o.b and dizzy (maybe it's just the hot, humid weather). Takes all my strength to do simple things. Feeling grumpy and lacking patience. I've lost so much ground, physically, over the past year, that's really scaring me. I have very little help with household chores, and i'm getting more and more behind (would hire someone but not in the budget). Ok - i think that's probably enough whining for today. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Time for a quick nap! "


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  2. Commented on the post Pulmonary Rehab for Asthma
  3. Commented on the post Pulmonary Rehab for Asthma
  4. Commented on the post Pulmonary Rehab for Asthma
  5. Commented on the post Pulmonary Rehab for Asthma

About iam2nd

  • Member Since 2018


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  1. Commented on the post Why Is This Scented?!
  2. Commented on the post Pulmonary Rehab for Asthma
  3. Commented on the post Pulmonary Rehab for Asthma
  4. Commented on the post Pulmonary Rehab for Asthma
  5. Commented on the post Pulmonary Rehab for Asthma