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Primary Badge Member


"Whi cannot see what I'm typing. Why?at my asthma attacks feel like: I feel like I'm incinerating from the very top of my chest. If it's humid, when going outside, I immediately feel as thoughi have walked into an oven and it sucks the air out of my lungs. I immediately start wheezing and Get to my nebulizer as quickly as I can w/out panicking and cough up whatever is blocking my airway. Maybe 30 seconds. I don't have a pulmonologist, but I'm seeking for one as of today. After seeing doc today about acid reflux and hostel hernia and breathing issues that come w that, I have realized I need to have pulmonary and gastro working on issues that seem to react to one anothrr. ULtimatelt, the same outcome, can't catch my brath, heart racing and trying to remain calm anreathing throhttps://docs.google.com/forms/di can't see what I'm typing here. Why?/e/1FAIpQLScy9bqumK38lHYJqr8Ni9q28TP-bWemN6eX0QH_NRiBJwLqMw/vugh my nose and pursing my lips."

About jdh71

  • Member Since 2019