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Is it possible to have relatively clear lungs and be coughing until you are gagging?

The doctor indicates asthma, but no wheezing.

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  1. Hi RMHannah, and thanks for your post. You may be aware, we cannot provide medical advice or diagnostics over the internet (for your own safety), however, your concern certainly warrants a reply. Asthma symptoms can vary from patient to patient and so, your situation may be unique for you. There are people who have an asthma diagnosis and yet, do not wheeze. I thought this article might provide you with some additional insight.
    I do hope you find these articles to be helpful.
    Wishing you well, Leon (site moderator)

    1. Yes you can have cough variant asthma which is a cough with phlegm but no wheezing. This is my diagnosis. But it’s important that you see a pulmonologist to get a accurate diagnosis.

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