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advocate Jayne Horner

Community Member Spotlight: Meet Jayne Horner

We conducted an interview with Facebook community member Jayne Horner. Jayne has had asthma and allergies ever since she was a child. She talks about her asthma diagnosis and triggers, and offers advice to others living with asthma. Time to meet Jayne!

Our interview with Jayne Horner

What has your journey with asthma been like?

I was told as a child I had asthma. I always got sick in the spring. I had allergies and went to a doctor who gave me shots for over 10 years for it. When I was in my 20s I got bronchitis and went to the doctor, where she said I had asthma and gave me an inhaler to use. I then went to a pulmonary doctor.

I was on medication of different sorts ever since. It got worse 2 years ago when I got bronchitis for 5 weeks, ending up in the hospital! I now use 2 inhalers. This did some damage to my lungs, and physically, I had to quit my part-time job. I am slowly getting better but can only stay on my feet for 5 hours without getting tired. I also have osteoarthritis.

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What are your asthma triggers?

I still have many allergies – trees, grass, mold, pollen, smoke, pine trees, and most smells. My main triggers are scents, smoke of any sort, and bleach. Springtime is usually my bad season due to pollen. I check on pollen counts, and if they are high, I stay inside or go out later in the day. Then I shower and change my clothes. My asthma is affected by cold air as well in winter.

What was your scariest asthma attack?

My scariest attack was when my daughter lived with me. She used a diffuser with lavender. I came home and gasped for air coughing and wheezing. I turned around and went out the door for fresh air, and drove to the hospital wheezing. My inhaler helped some, but I needed something else. I got better, aired out the house, and told her, "Never again!"

How do you keep track of your asthma?

I use the Propeller app and record my inhaler use each day. It reminds me if I didn't take or record my medicine. It also gives me questions and it will tell you how well-controlled you are doing every week and month. It has a cap that will tell the app I used my rescue inhaler.

What advice do you have for others living with asthma?

My biggest adjustments are getting my strength back and the virus! I listened to my doctor to stay home. I was keeping up my home and getting physical therapy. My everyday advice is to watch pollen counts and know your limits. Strive to do what you can. I use a peak flow meter, which tells me how I am doing. Green means normal, yellow means caution, red means stop and get help. I plan my day and always challenge myself. I try to be positive and say, "I can do this!" I use a journal for my daily peak flow and how my day went, and write down the medication I used. My best advice is to read comments on and comment on articles. It is very helpful!

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