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My Asthma During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had nothing to worry about because I had always gotten my flu shots. Little did I know that I had a lot to worry about having asthma during COVID. At first, it started with a severe cough and body pain; I was scared that I had already caught COVID. I left school because, at the time, my school was still running and there was no lockdown, but I had a severe fear of the pandemic. The rural area I lived in back there consists of a lot of people that do not wear face masks or engage in physical distancing. This made it easier to catch anything, including COVID.

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During August, I caught pneumonia. I almost died because I couldn't breathe through my nose, my lips became dry and I looked so pale and thin. I couldn't eat anything because I threw up everything. I ran tests, scans, and x-rays. I found out that it wasn't COVID. I was so happy. I had pneumonia for two months and those were the most terrible months of my life because I also had asthma.

Though I moved away to an urban and civilized area, the COVID fear is still in me today and I practice all safety measures.

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