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Aging and COVID

Hi, I am 66 years old and have had asthma since age five. After a difficult childhood with frequent attacks and not meeting a puffer, I was on Ventolin till 15. I was on amphetamines as a child. As an adult, I had severe hay fever till polyps and switched from cow's milk to soy. My asthma has been pretty settled till the last few years, especially after having COVID in May. For the rest of the winter, I had severe episodes of chest infections and pleurisy. I needed steroids, oral, frequent Ventolin, and changed preventer to Seretide plus abs. Now I'm feeling improved as the weather is warmer. But concerned that a cool climate address may not be the best option.

  1. Hi CM1563, and thanks for sharing your current and past medical history with the community in the forums section. We appreciate your candor with us.
    For some folks with an asthma diagnosis, the weather can have a significant effect. Some patients are affected by warm/humid weather while still others, have concerns when the weather gets cold and icy.
    Are you aware if any of the various seasons affect your disease? Do you currently work with a physician collaboratively to help manage your asthma?
    If there is anything we can assist you with, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here in our online community.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator

    Please read our rules before posting.