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Allergic asthma and diet and triggers

I have been diagnosed with allergic asthma my ige was above 700 the range is 0-100. I wanted to know if high ige can be caused by food allergens such as dairy,wheat,soy etc. Or it is only caused by pollen dander or dust etc. I dont have any hives or any skin issues except i have a red rash under my eyes(its not lupus i have ruled that out.) Other symptoms i have is chronic cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. I wanted to know why is my ige high ? Doctor's just prescribe me drugs and then tell me nothing.

  1. HI. Welcome to our asthma community. I have the same frustration with my doctors -- that they don't always explain things very well. And that is one of the neat things about this community as we can learn from each other. I believe that an elevated IgE can be caused by any allergen -- although, it is generally (I think) only caused by the "specific" allergens that you are allergic to. Have you had any allergy testing done? Allergy testing is generally considered the best way of learning what "allergens are causing your IgE to spike. Also, it is quite normal to think of questions like this between doctor visits. If you have access to your doctor's email, you can just cut and past the above comment send it to your doctor. I would be neat to hear what he or she has to say about this good question. What do you think? John. community moderator.

    1. Hi John first of all thanks for replying do you have any idea that can food products cause high ige levels ? Or is it only due to ragweed,pollen or dag dander. Regarding my doctor the chest doctor that i am currently visiting doesn't give me any insights so i am soon changing my pulmonologist so will ask the new pulmonologist about allergy testing.

    2. Hello there, Raj! I came across your conversation with John and wanted to offer up some info I found relating to your question about food and elevated IgE on your blood work. As John stated, "I believe that an elevated IgE can be caused by any allergen -- although, it is generally (I think) only caused by the "specific" allergens that you are allergic to." These 2 articles may explain high IgE and food allergies. Hoping it helps you in your search for answers.😧284-3

      Hoping you are managing well enough. Best of health ~ Rebecca (community moderator)

  2. You may find some additional perspective and insight on our sister site, -- there are plenty of discussions about IgE testing there. I hope you can get some answers! -Melissa, team

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