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Asthma 24/7

Everyday, I read an article about what triggers asthma attacks, I must be missing something, I have Asthma every day all day !! It doesn’t come and go !!! If I walk upstairs, my breathing is labored and have to get my breath!!! So am I the only one that feels this way !! Just curious!! Thanks !

  1. Hi. Welcome to our asthma community. Glad to see you posting here with this, your first post. Sorry that you are having to deal with asthma, and that you are feeling symptoms every day. You're definitely not alone in feeling this way. Many people with asthma have persistent symptoms that impact their daily lives. One positive aspect of asthma is the variety of treatments available to help manage symptoms and improve control. I'm curious, how long have you been dealing with asthma? Are you currently working with a specialist, like a pulmonologist or allergist, to explore treatment options tailored to your needs? Is there anything further that you can add about your asthma? Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

    1. I have had "diagnosed" asthma since 2003, so only 20 yrs, but was wheezing with allergies long before that. I have severe seasonal allergies since age 10 which typically led to pneumonia but only fall, winter, and spring (Sept-May). I've been through many different meds trying to find the ones that would work year long. I finally settled on nebulized meds 6 yrs ago to get them down into my lungs to control the spasms and tight feeling and have been off of daily albuterol and atrovent for 1 yr now with the use of Budesonide nebulizer med instead of dry inhaler steroids. I just couldn't get the dry meds into my lungs due to severe restrictions. (Plus they are very expensive to be wasting. I searched for less expensive meds and found generic copd/ asthma meds that have been effectively used for many yrs) This past winter is first fall/ winter/spring I have had without antibiotics in 55 yrs!! Just keep changing meds with your doc until you find the best one for you 💕

      1. Wow! What an insightful post! Do you find to be summer to be your 'best season' asthma related? My son has a similar situation where we would get pneumonia in the cooler months, but now after the right medications it's been a few years. I'm so glad that you found the medication that works right for you! All the best, Lauren (team member)

    2. Hey there, no you are not alone out there. For a while I decided that everything and everyone was an asthma trigger and I was finding new triggers every week. I had to change my entire life just to barely get through a day. I had to find a doctor who believed me and didn’t just think I was crazy. It doesn’t help that I don’t wheeze all the time. I’m doing better than I was, and that is with a lot of medication changes.
      Another thing that has really helped is I wear a filter mask whenever I’m going to be around big triggers. I started with one of those big respirators for painting from the hardware store, no kidding, it filters out everything from air fresheners to cleaning spray to pollen to smoke. There are smaller options now that make me blend in with the covid mask crowd so I don’t scare people.

      I hope you find something that helps even a little bit.

      1. Thank you for lending your support here in the community. Seems you have also run the gamete with the many medication changes looking for relief of asthma symptoms. Finding triggers and protecting yourself from them is vital. What are some of the big triggers you've discovered? The respiratory mask sounds like a tried and true effort in managing asthma symptoms for you should you find medicines are minimal at helping. Thank you for offering up your experience. It helps the community. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)

    3. I totally understand where you're coming from. Dealing with asthma triggers can feel like a constant uphill battle. It took me a while to find the right combination of medications, and even then, it's still a work in progress. Also a key part of my treatment plan was Symbicort ( this one ) . Have you tried it or discussed it with your doctor? Hang in there, and I hope you find some relief soon!

      1. Thanks for lending your support here in the community. We are grateful when other members share their experiences. I also wanted to drop off a link to an article that may help - Wishing you better days ahead. Rebecca (team member)

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