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Asthma/Allergies Triggers

I have had seasonal allergies for years and knew I was allergic to pet dander. I lived with my sister after our daddy died and there was NO compromise with her about her dog. I knew from allergy testing that besides the animals, I was allergic to grass, trees, pollen, dust, mold, and all things you can't avoid. I took allergy injections for years and I currently use Symbicort. I do pretty well with the Symbicort and an Albuterol for any chest tightness and Singular at bedtime.

  1. - we share many of the same triggers. When young, I was miserable with sinus infections, asthma, rashes, etc. It can be awful when there is no compromise. I get it. I usually headed into my room where no animals were allowed and it eased my symptoms, but they were always a problem. Some of my worst allergies were horses, strawberries, and cats. I usually ended up in the ER. It was a horrible experience trying to suck in air through inflamed bronchial tubes and closed-up lungs. So glad to hear your injections, albuterol, and Symbicort (both of which I also use) have helped. I only did injections for a short period and didn't find it helped, but was given an EpiPen just in case. Thankfully, I haven't had to use it as my treatment plan has truly helped ease my symptoms. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. It helps to know others struggle the same way. Hoping your health is managed well and your year is progressing well. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (team member)

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