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Asthma - Bacterial infection and excess mucous production

I have been an asthmatic for 45 years ... well-controlled for most of that time. For a period of 2 years, I struggled with lung infections and excess mucous production to the point where It was one of the reasons I retired early.
A visit to my doctor after my last round of antibiotics suggested that the causative agent for infection was Haemophilus influenzae, a bacteria that he thought my immune system should be able to manage.
I continued to get sore throats, coughed most of the day, and produced an excessive amount of mucous every day.
After seeing some stories on anti-bacterial gargling for protection against upper respiratory infections during the COVID outbreak I embarked on the use of gargling with mouthwash every day.
Presto - coughing reduced to 5% (i.e. normal levels associated with asthma) and no more heavy coloured mucous production. No more infections.
Fantastic. Life is different now. Also, I reduced my asthma medication to 1/2 of the previous level.

  1. Hi , and thanks for sharing your story here with the community. With all your many years of experience managing this disease (asthma), to have had this happen to you must have been quite a challenge. I admire how you faced it head-on, pursued information and treatment, and were so completely successful using this method.
    I am duly impressed also that, by collaborating with your physician, you were able to self advocate and follow the information and course of therapy to a successful completion. That is the way a good doctor-patient relationship is supposed to work!
    We can all benefit from your experience and are appreciative of your candor here with all of us.
    Keep up the good work!
    Leon (site moderator

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