Have you recently been affected by a medication shortage, backorder, and/or discontinuation? Were you able to find an effective replacement or solution to treat your asthma?
duo med it was an shortage but I got mines when it came in
lauren.mullin Moderator
Last Updated:
Thank goodness! How long were you without? I'm glad you got it eventually! -Lauren (team member)
jeannie75440 Member
Last Updated:
Just the last couple of weeks my pharmacy had no fluticasone propionate/salmeterol diskus inhalation powder 500/50 mcg. Had to wait 12 days.
CommunityMember1d9824 Member
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@ it's been 5d of the 3-4 x a day breathing treatments. I looked up when/if I can pair back , recommendation was to continue even when feeling better. But the tightness has gone quite a bit.
lauren.mullin Moderator
Last Updated:
I'm glad to hear that you are experiencing some relief and the tightness is starting to dissipate. Do you have a specific amount of days your doctor would like you to continue this regimen? -Lauren (team member)
h2ofilic Member
Last Updated:
Not recently, but I now keep a one month buffer supply, just in case.
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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Good plan. I do the same thing -- or try to. So important to have a backup plan. Hope all is going well for you. John. community moderator.
lauren.mullin Moderator
Last Updated:
Hi there! I like your thinking! I try to keep a months supply of my sons asthma medications on hand, just in case, as well. I feel comfortable knowing that I have back-ups. All the best, Lauren (team member)
elizabeth1991 Member
Last Updated:
Duo neb last year
elizabeth1991 Member
Last Updated:
when it came in they delivered it I had some at home 1 box but last until the until I got more
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
Hi again, elizabeth - thank you for providing this update. It must be a relief for you now having received the current delivery at home. We appreciate you following up with us here. All the best, Leon L (author/moderator)