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Blood temperature controls breathing

So i figured out blood temperature controls breathing
When the arteries are hot they get bigger and they send more blood and when they get smaller they send less blood so i am making a blood temperature control device so the right amount of blood goes in the arteries no ones speaking to me
Please find me people who want a cure for asthma

  1. Hi James, and welcome to our online community! I see this is your first post since joining us some time ago.
    Everyone is entitled to their own views but, actually, breathing is not controlled by one's blood. I thought this article, might explain further for you how breathing works in the body:
    As well, at the present time, there is no scientific consensus on a cure for asthma.
    I hope you find this to be helpful.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. I need advocates to have the device made

    2. Hi again, James - let me wish you 'good luck!', as you move forward to actually make this device. Kindly do check back and keep us apprised of your progress.
      Leon (site moderator

  2. Yeah I get it... thanks.

    1. Have you ever exercised
      Thats heating the blood

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