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What are your tips and tricks for managing asthma during the fall season?
Tyson Member
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During the fall what I do is I remember to take my controller medications every morning and night. I check my peak flow at least once a day and I also take an allergy medication during the fall to keep my allergies under control. If I can stay on top of it I can give myself the best chance possible to being able to breathe well during the fall months.
Cory Stottsberry Member
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John Bottrell, RRT Member
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KieraWolfe Member
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Fall? The last grass cuts before a heavy rain... it seems to kick it all up. Mold and mildews kick up. And worst... large cockroaches (not the filthy kind, but the big kind) that just want water and warmth seep in through the faintest cracks and I am very allergic.
Rebecca C Member
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Susan78 Member
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I continue my medications as directed and continue to mask.
Rebecca C Member
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imme Member
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I take my daily inhalers, and make sure I have enough nebulizer meds & rescue inhalers on hand. I have the covid & flu vaccines. I wear a mask every time I step out of my door and anyone except close family, who enters my house I ask them to wear a mask also. I keep hand sanitizers in my purse and car. I wash my hands often. And because of comorbidity I try to stay out of crowds, although I have found even around a few people, it only takes one sick person to cause an asthma attack and bronchitis or most likely pneumonia. In the winter I have a vaporizer if necessary & I have an air purifier in my living room & bedroom. I also try to stay away from any triggers and work to prevent triggers such as dust or acid reflux.
Thank you for the chance for the giveaway!
lauren.mullin Moderator
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Melissa.Arnold Community Admin
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I want to share a few articles about dental health and asthma treatments for anyone who might be reading along:
Keep doing the best you can. -Melissa, team member