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Celiac, food allergies, hypersensitive nerves, and asthma

I have all four. Before my food allergies were discovered and I was diagnosed with celiac, controlling my asthma was difficult.
Once we found out which foods affected my breathing and I eliminated them, I was better. Then when celiac was finally diagnosed, some 20 years after I asked my primary about it, breathing became easier. I still have to be very careful with chemical triggers, but my "escape time" is a few minutes longer.
It's very difficult to manage multiple body systems yet I manage the best I can.
My primary teases me that I probably have another autoimmune disease but who knows if it's been documented yet. We don't know if the hypersensitive nerves are inherent to me or a result of all the meds.
Just call me my own textbook because I certainly don't fit the published ones.

  1. You've been tackling a lot at one time, - having multiple issues that affect another is very hard to manage, as you know. Kudos for sticking with it and easing this bundle of symptoms! What other ways do you manage them other than avoidance? Are you on a strict diet? Medications? Have you thought you've had, as your primary thinks, a different disease that is also in the mix of things? I also wanted to mention that celiac and gluten allergies do have a higher risk for neuropathy that may be causing your nerve sensitivity. ( ) This is a great topic that you can bring up with your treating physicians. There may be options available to ease this type of pain. Wishing you relief and ease of breathing throughout the holiday season - Warmly ~ Rebecca (comm advc)

    1. Thank you forvthe information. I will research more. My issues are definitely unique. I get lumps of edema from things rubbing on my body, lke the seat belt rubbing on my hip, or a watch rubbing on my wrist. Even the seams on clothes can create issues. I have been researching this for years.

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