Hello! I'm wanting to know if anyone else has experienced what i go through? I live in Florida and we do not have much of a Fall/Winter but we do go through quite a few temperature changes throughout those seasons. Everytime we have a cold front come through (doesn't have to be really cold) I get a tight feeling in my lower neck /upper chest area. I don't have difficulty breathing or wheezing etc. but without fail I will usually end up with post nasal drip, a sore throat, and then mucus in my chest that i spend a week or more coughing out. This can happen 5-7 times throughout the fall season. It just occurred to me after dealing with this for 10+ years that it could have something to do with Allergy Induced Asthma? I was told i had Asthma as a child living in Illinois and would have to go to the hospital for breathing tx's in the winter. Since being in Florida it hasn't been that bad. I take Singulair, Zyrtec ( rotate through all of the allergy meds), and flonase and nothing helps. I have also tried recently using albuterol and that doesn't make a difference either. I also did Allergy shots about a year ago and stopped because i got pregnant. I was at the maintenance level and still having the same Winter issues occur. I have an appointment scheduled with my allergy doctor but wanted to see if anyone else has encountered this specific tightness when cold fronts come through??