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Chinese herb

Has anyone tried ding-chaun tang?

  1. - Hello! Thanks for posting this question here in the community.

    Traditional Chinese medicine, including herbal formulations like Ding-Chuan Tang, is an alternative approach to asthma treatment. Some individuals may report positive experiences, but scientific evidence supporting its efficacy may be limited compared to mainstream asthma medications. As a quick reminder, prior to trying any alternative or complementary treatment, including herbal remedies, it's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider.

    With that said, I do not have experience with this alternative approach. But I am hopeful that some in the community speak up and offer their experience with herbal formulas for their asthma. I have dug deep into the archives (articles and posts) and do not see anything in reference to this formulation discussed prior. I will circle back to your post to keep updated and see if anyone comments. It will be interesting to see the community's comments. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (community moderator)

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