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Christmas trees

When I was younger we had a real Christmas tree and we had to get it out of the house because of my asthma and being allergic to real Christmas trees. So we got an artificial Christmas tree and I have my own artificial Christmas tree and I keep it in a plastic container to keep it dust free.

  1. Hey there, Pam! Thanks for chiming in on this timely subject. 😀 I'm glad we live in a time where artificial trees of all kinds are available and also beautiful. As long as you can watch out for dust, it's a great alternative! Sounds like it works great for you. I enjoy getting to have my artificial tree up longer. Merry Christmas! -Melissa, asthma team

    1. - thanks for your input with regards to Christmas trees. It sounds like you've taken a proactive step to create a safer and more comfortable environment for yourself given your asthma and allergies. Using an artificial Christmas tree and storing it in a dust-free container are thoughtful measures to minimize potential triggers. I do the same and it's very helpful. I have always felt the real pine trees were lacking in fullness so not an issue with buying an artificial one. Hope you are managing well throughout this season and that you remain healthy, vigorous, and at peace. With regards - Rebecca (community moderator)

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