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Do you remember a time before you had asthma?

Hey asthmatic friends! I'm curious, do any of y'all remember a time before you had asthma? I definitely do, well... sort of. I remember a time before I struggled to breathe as much as I do today. I wanted to know if anyone else was the same way.

  1. Yes I remember - I was about 9 or 10. I had terrible allergies that were annoying like trees and grass, and smoke bothered me quite a bit, but never had an asthma attack until my brother came home with 3 little kittens. It was downhill from that time on. Wishing I wasn't allergic to animals, I love to support their safety and health. Great question. Wishing you a good breathing day. Rebecca (comm advc)

    1. I'm wishing you a good breathing day too! I remember a time before I had asthma but I don't remember a time when colds didn't turn into bronchitis or croup, so it's kind of a toss up haha

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