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dry mouth and asthma

I was studying the problem with dry mouth and came across that dry mouth and asthma are associated .
My solution is to put a tube in a persons nose, (the tube is attached to a submersible pump that goes into water), and the tube goes on a mouth plate that attaches to the roof of a persons mouth and sprays water every 30 minutes when awake and asleep( it only sprays water so it cant make a person choke) so the person always has a moist mouth Dry mouth is when the heart takes water from the stomach and uses it to send blood. That water has oxygen which the body needs. It is especially sensitive when a person is sleeping. This device also treats, learning problems, heart disease, Alzheimer , menopause and possibly more conditions, Hopefully i get recognized for my contribution but if it helps people live better thats truly all i can ask

  1. - It's interesting that you're exploring potential solutions for the association between dry mouth and asthma. Keeping the oral cavity moist can indeed be beneficial for overall oral health and potentially provide some relief for individuals dealing with asthma. How far along have you managed to get? Have you contacted a healthcare provider for input or contacted any regulatory bodies to provide guidelines? Collaborating with experts in the field and seeking their guidance can help you refine and validate your concept. Wishing you well. Thanks for sharing this with the community - Happy Holidays - Rebecca (community moderator)

    1. I lag tremendously in motivation Mainly from a lack of people to discuss. To complete this would take someone with a 3d printer or dentist who makes a brace that a tube can be attached
      The tube is called a nasal feeding tube, the nasal tube goes in a person's stomach ,the one were discussing would go onto the mouth brace. I heard it would also cure arthritis, alzhemiers, adhd related to dry mouth and other condition related to dry mouth
      If I can find the right people I'm sure it's simple to get accomplished. It would really help me . Spraying water in my mouth would help tremendously. I find drinking large amounts of water affects my kidneys and ends up hurting a lot. A spray would help a lot

      Hopefully we can or someone can have this made
      Thanks for your reply

      1. Hello - thanks for replying and giving us a little more information related to your medical appliance. I understand the lack of motivation, as this certainly has kept me from doing great work. I hope 2024 is a year of health, prosperity, and insight for you. It sounds like an awesome device you envision. Here's a link that may help you get started. Wishing you well this holiday season. Warmly - Rebecca (community moderator)

        1. Your the best
          Please stay in contact with me
          I'd love to share everything with you

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