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Just wondering if anyone out here has cough variant Asthma, that when flared by virus, seems resistant to asthma treatments? I have very few "real asthma" symptoms as ER says.
Week 5 and Prednisone has only worked slightly 2 out of 5 days. (Am in constant contact with doc) Puffers do not seem to help coughing fits. I am not looking for help with treatments. I am just so exhausted and depressed. I just need to know someone else understands how demoralizing this is. My chest hurts badly from coughing. I go from from choking/gagging/vomiting to barely coughing but starting to congest. I am confused. This is not what I thought asthma was.

  1. Hi Bleu, and thanks for sharing your story here with the community. While I am hopeful others in the community will see your inquiry and respond by sharing their own experiences, I have something to contribute as well.
    You are definitely not alone in feeling the way you do! Others in the community have posted similar sentiments about 'cough variant' asthma, and asthma in general. Should you be interested in reading more about this type of asthma, here is a link to several of those articles: I do hope you find the information helpful to read.
    As you may know, asthma, and it's sub-types, can affect everyone differently. What appears to be a 'constant' for many with an asthma diagnosis is a virus related exacerbation can be more challenging than a 'plain' exacerbation. That may be a reason why you are facing more of a challenge this time around. I realize you are in constant contact with your physician and it is a good thing that you are collaborating with the doctor and being monitored so closely.
    Please know, we are here should you need anything from the community. You are always welcome here!
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thank you for reply. And, thank you for links. I will read them appreciatively. I have very little info on cough variant asthma except to know coughing is main symptom. I do get classic asthma symptoms, just more often than not, no wheezing. Pulmonologist and asthma nurse gave me instructions/plan. If I have to go to ER or clinic as per instructions, I am treated like I came in for a scraped knee. Asthma plan ignored as well as bad peak flow numbers. I am also tired of having to prove that I am struggling. It is difficult if my own primary doc is away and I get "worse".

      1. Hi again, Bleu, and thank YOU for your response and further explanation. I hear you! It's always a good thing to have both a treatment plan and a medication regimen provided by one's physician. I am glad you have these and understand how your own particular treatment works.
        Then, there's 'being ignored' by the emergency department (ED) staff. What others in the community have shared is to have the written plan (by your pulmonologist) on hand for these unanticipated visits to the ED. Those instructions can then be used as a road map for treatment when you present to the ED.
        I know when I am on duty in the ED, and a patient comes in with instructions from their private medical doctor (PMD), we follow the instructions to the letter. Do you think this might work in your case?
        Warm regards,

        Leon (site moderator

    2. Oh, man! I have to look into this! I really should have had a few nebulizers that day! But, because I don't show "classic" asthma symptoms, I was given the priority of coming in for a scraped knee! Then sent home with prescriptions that could only be filled next day! This letter/plan in hand would be so helpful! I might still wait a long time, but something would be done to help and not sent home struggling to breathe! Thank you!

      1. Hi again, Bleu - I am glad that this sounds like it might be helpful for you. Perhaps is you sit with your physician and discuss the idea with him/her, this type of letter can be prepared so you have it with you whenever needed.
        Please do check back and let us know how this all turns out for you.
        Leon (site moderator

    3. Bleu, I have cough variant asthma as well. It is one of the more menacing forms of asthma. When mine kicks in to action I have a variety techniques that seem to help. My first course of action is to reach for my inhaler. I use Xoponex as it is the only one left my body doesn't react to negatively. It takes a little longer than some of the others I used to use but I don't react to it (yet!). Then I fix a hot cup of tea. I sip it and may refill. It tends to soothe the muscles, plus a dose of caffeine. Sometimes I heat a rice bag and place it on my chest close to my neck. That heat also helps. I also have a prescription for Benzonatate which I take as needed. My insurance doesn't cover it but with one of the plans like Good RX it is reasonable. There have been times when I switch to cold to try and soothe... go in to air conditioning or drink very cold water. This usually only helps me if the temperature is higher than 85º.
      Some times finding the trigger is the best help. If it is indeed a virus, I up my vitamin C intake and drink a ton of water and/or hot tea. I also use saline spray and Nasacort or Rhinacort to ease the sinus congestion which adds to post nasal drip which can trigger my cough variant asthma. With these often adding a menthol cough drop helps.
      My life is completely fragrance free. I have found that any fragrances, especially man made like perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, laundry products, cleaning agents, and scented candles keep the irritation going causing my cough variant asthma to rear it's ugly head. It's about quality of life, not fitting in with our stinky society.
      I hope this helps.

      1. Hmmm, I need to make a rice bag... I have a heating pad, but it has been useless to me this time. I have been reading a lot of stories and articles the last couple days. Like you Victoria, I have some "go to's". The very basics like steam- hot or cold, honey for cough relief, cough drops, etc... But, I am discovering a whole new world here. I need to look into the Benzonatate. My doc is dead against cough suppression medicines. This time, I told her I needed some relief, not just stop coughing, just some relief and not so violent. I get that the coughing is cleansing the lungs of goop. My cough is dry,unproductive and goes into violent coughing fits where I gag and choke for hours. I need to sleep a bit. And, at times, the coughing needs to lessen for my mental and physical health. I am learning a lot from this community. I still have more to learn as I neex to understand and control my asthma better. Thanks for you reply. I am grateful to everyone!

      2. Hi - fellow person living with cough variant asthma here! You are not alone. I have experienced much of what you are going through.

        Just speaking from my personal experience, inhalers do not help when I'm having a serious flare-up. Only the nebulizer will do. My lungs are just too blocked and cranky to use the inhaler correctly.

        I also do take expectorant cough medicine, usually one with codeine. It helps me cough less, but when I do cough it is more productive so I can get all the junk out. It will be hard for you to get better if you can't sleep - your body needs rest.

        Sleeping with your head propped up can also help with the coughing. A go-to of mine is drinking hot broth that I usually make myself and keep in the freezer for when I have bad asthma attacks. I know the broth will be warming and easy on my throat and will keep me hydrated while providing some nutrition when I don't feel like eating.

        Please keep us posted on your recovery - we are so glad you are finding helpful information here. ~ Lorene, team.

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