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Does anyone else feel that their asthma acts up more when wearing a mask?

I have tried tried filter mask, n95's, and others. I notice after I take off mask my chest becomes very tight and hurts more. Any suggestions?

  1. I had some problems when I wore heavier homemade cloth masks with a filter but since I have used medical masks for over 12 hours at a time with no problems. If your mask bothers you, check out other types of masks. I have a favorite mask that I purchased from a sporting goods shop that I wear in public. It is very easy to breath through, has three layers and is comfortable. I think a mask is easier to breath with than having Covid 19 and asthma.

    1. I had a hard time wearing a mask all day with asthma. I got a note from my doctor for work. I now where a shield when at work. It makes it so much easier to breathe and doesn't interfere at all. I also use it anywhere I go.

  2. Hi. That is a great question you ask. I personally do not experience asthma trouble while wearing a mask. Although, I have heard various asthmatics in this community express that wearing a mask triggers their asthma. So you are definitely not alone in this community. I actually looked into this to see if there were any studies on the impact of masks on asthma. And learned that this has not been studied yet. So, I bet with all that is going on this may be a subject for an upcoming study. What do you think? John. community moderator.

    1. Hi MaryAnn, and thanks for joining in the conversation.

      As the pandemic progresses and continues to be an ongoing concern (for the world), I've seen and heard more and more people sharing they find using face shields to be an advantage over using face masks. I've some people using both! (It should be noted they do not appear to have any issues with their breathing!)

      I'm all for them, especially if by wearing them, it promotes more compliance on the part of the public - including those of us with pulmonary disease.

      Keep up the good work!
      Warm regards,
      Leon (site moderator

      1. Another vote for face shields, here, but perhaps for a slightly different reason. If you're like my sweet husband, who goes nuts when there is something close to his eyes, a face shield can be a handy way to prevent you from constantly adjusting your mask and touching your face. Less face touching = less chance of contracting the virus if you have it on your hands! 😀 Although I personally recommend a clear shield if possible -- they were sold out when my husband bought his, so he ended up with a dark tinted shield that makes him look like an astronaut. It can be unnerving to strangers -- he gets some weird looks in the grocery store! Haha. -Melissa, team

    2. I have noticed that my chest is tighter and I have more asthma problems if wearing a mask. I also get panicky and feel like I can’t breathe if wearing one for a long period of time. I have switched to wearing a bandana when necessary, and I’ve noticed that it’s considerably easier to breathe.

      1. Hi JosiahW, and thank you for joining in the conversation here about wearing masks and asthma. As you can see, you are certainly not alone when explaining the issues you have experienced while wearing a mask. Glad to hear you have found a solution that works for you. Keep up the good work! All the best, Leon (site moderator

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