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Does high blood pressure make asthma worse for you?

I've had a bout with high blood pressure after the holidays and all the overindulging of rich food of course. Currently going the other way thankfully. I have definitely learned my lesson! Moderation is key LOL! I seem to have more phlegm and more difficulty with nighttime symptoms. Has anyone else noticed this with high blood pressure? Thanks in advance.

  1. I have a similar issue but I suspect the working harder to breathe makes my blood pressure go up. The more controlled my asthma is, the more stable my blood pressure seems to be. Cold air is an asthma trigger for me so the past week I have needed my rescue inhaler more and my blood pressure has been higher than normal.

    1. yeah it's really cold here in Minnesota right now. Definitely a trigger when you walk out of the warm house! Maybe what it is is it's the combination of the salt making more phlegm and causing inflammation rather than high blood pressure? I don't know I just know I'm feeling better not eating all the salt of course. Thanks for responding stay warm!

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