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How I Manage My Allergic Asthma

I was diagnosed with extreme allergic asthma when I was about 45. I, like many people were put on a asthma inhaler and told how to use it then left to discover it wasn't enough. I went to 4 different doctor's, until I found a fantastic Asthma/Allergy doctor on Phoenix. That's a 4.5 hour drive from where I live. He started a series of tests for allergies. Did a rack of 70 markers on my back. I tested positive to 64 of the markers. Some were food, some trees, grasses, shrubs, desert weeds, domestic animals and molds. He taught me how to know when it was an allergy, not a cold. He put me in the standard ProAir Inhaler, eye drops for my allergic red eyes and a nasal spray for my Rhinitis, called Dymista. I use sinus rinses during the high allergy season which work great. About 7 years ago he diagnosed me with COPD. Again, he got me started with inhaled medications for that the COPD. Now I am 74 and doing very well with both illnesses. My advice is; when you feel stuffy/have a runny nose that don't go away specifically during Fall and again Spring, go see a Asthma Specialist for Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat. Your regular GP can give you a referral if your insurance doesn't let you just choose. Ask that doctor to do a thorough allergic panel on you. You will be glad you did.

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