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I have to go next Monday to hospital

Hi there,

I have to go next Monday for an ambulatory monitor fitted I think its for 24 hours to see what's happening with my heart and then go and see the cardiologist on the 24th of August I cannot belive it has taken all this time to even get seen its not good enough.

Still having breathlessness only walked on to the park still pain and palpitations ect cannot wait to find out what this is and constantly pouring with sweat aswell.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through right now. It can get frustrating when waiting for appointments - specialists are often a challenge! I hope you get some answers and relief soon. Will be thinking of you! -Corinne, moderator

    1. Hi Dolphin, I hear you! I see my colleagues, @DebbyAnn and , have already responded and added their own individual support. I have something to contribute too.
      The monitor you are referring to is called a Holter monitor. Generally speaking, the doctor(s) use this to track one's heart usually, for a 24-hour period. After the monitor is turned back in, the doctor looks at the 24-hour recording looking for any abnormality that may have occurred during the time frame the patient was wearing it. From there, the physician will be able to determine what, if anything, is going on and what, if any, treatment is necessary.
      I understand how challenging it can be to wait to see doctors nowadays but now, the wait is behind you!
      Please do check back and let us know how this all turns out for you.
      Have a great weekend!
      Leon (site moderator

      1. Hi to all been to see the cardiologist this morning I have angina for 3 years didn't get any treatment as wasn't sent to see a cardiologist they only did one test and said no I don't have the condition.

        Now need to have heart scan and angiogram put on betablockers and have to go back after tests.
        To get the results not happy as misdiagnosed.


        1. Hi again, Dolphin, and thanks for following up with us here. I was hoping you would since you shared with us that today was the day for you to see the cardiologist.
          It's understandable how frustrating this must be for you to have received an incorrect diagnosis. I am hopeful the upcoming diagnostic tests (heart scan and angiogram), combined with the medication (beta blockers), will enable the cardiologist to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, if needed.
          I will wish you 'good luck!" and ask that you to kindly keep us apprised of your progress moving forward.
          Warm regards,
          Leon (site moderator

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