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Inhaler and Capsules or Tablets

Can Asthma be controlled by tablets or capsules alone without using inhaler? If so, what are the recommended medicine tablet or capsule names?

  1. Good morning, Great question you ask. And welcome to our asthma community. As I am sure you know, we cannot offer medical advice over the Internet -- for your own safety, of course. That said, asthma is an interesting disease that presents in different ways from one person to another. And, therefore, what is needed to prevent and control asthma varies from person to person as well. While many of us require an assortment of pills and inhalers, I am aware of other asthmatics in this community who only need to take one pill to control theirs. Just to give some examples as you suggested, I am aware of some here who just take something to control their GERD (such as Prilosec), and this prevents it from triggering their asthma. I am also aware of others who only take a pill called Singulair. Now, that said, it's important to emphasize that everyone's asthma is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. As always, it is essential for all of us asthmatics to work closely with our doctors to find the most effective and personalized treatment plan for us.

    I hope this sheds some light on the topic for you, and feel free to share more about your experience or ask any other questions you may have! Are you taking any medicines for your asthma at the present time? Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

    1. Thank you John for your comments and I agree with you what you said, the condition and treatment differs person to person. Have a pleasant day. Ching

      1. Yes - I agree with my colleague, John, above. Because everyone's asthma is different - and there are several different types to mention ( ) asthma has to be dealt with on an individual basis. I, for one, am on 2 pills and rarely use my inhaler. It is well-controlled most of the year. During Covid, though, I had a difficult time and needed a stronger different inhaler than my regular rescue inhaler to clear my lungs, but have discontinued it as I got better. Here is another link that may help you - ( ) You can print it off and possibly bring it in to discuss with your treating professional. Wishing you and thanks for the inquisitive forum. Happy holidays - Rebecca (community moderator)

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