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For years I enjoyed walking as daily exercise but air quality issues/ weather etc kept me from being consistent. I joined a gym and now go walk on their treadmill indoors 6 days per week. I have noticed a significant difference in my endurance levels and ability to walk stairs. I know part of that is being in better shape but I can tell the difference in my asthma as well!

  1. Hi gmawheezy and thanks for your post about how you're feeling now that you are able to exercise regularly at an indoor gym. It's always gratifying when one's condition is noticeably better once on an exercise schedule and you seem to be a good example of this type of result.

    I thought you might find it helpful to look over this article which focuses on asthma and exercise:

    We appreciate your sharing your experiences here with us in our online community. Keep up the good work!

    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thank you for the article. I was recently diagnosed with exercise induced asthma/bronchiospasms so this helped me. I don't know much about asthma so I'm glad I'm here to learn.

      1. Hi jamkathleenj, and thanks for your comment. Glad to hear this article resonated with you - that's what we are all about here on Please know you are always welcome in our online community.

        If we can assist you with anything that is asthma related, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. We'll be happy to help!

        Wishing you well,
        Leon (site moderator

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