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What motivates you through the harder days with asthma? What motivates you on the good days?

  1. What motivates me is the hope that I can breathe easily and be free of symptoms. It's the same on good days as well as the harder days.
    How I try to accomplish that is to stay consistent with my asthma routine. I use my peak flow meter every morning and evening and keep a chart of where I am. After I check my peak flow I take my controller inhaler every morning and evening. I know that if I stay on my routine that I can give myself the best chance to have a good breathing day.

    What has motivated me lately is the goal of being healthier and more active. I do get worried about exercise triggering an asthma attack so I make sure to take some albuterol before I work out. Most of the time I can breathe well enough to get some exercise.

    While I may have some ups and downs due to my asthma, I try to stay positive and believe that everything will work out for the best.

    1. Thanks for sharing what keeps you going on good and not-so-good days, . Being mindful and proactive of your well-being is key to success, especially when trying to manage a chronic illness such as asthma. And, keeping a routine makes it easier to stay on top of triggers, symptoms, and treatments. Kudos for such a great strategy. Being on top of breathing and remaining comfortable truly helps when considering an exercise program - thanks for sharing your tip of taking albuterol before exercise - this surely helps others who are struggling in the community manage a little bit better. Sharing your approach is a gentle reminder for those in the community to stay connected with your treating physician, be aware of triggers, and stay on course with your treatment plan. We appreciate and support you wholeheartedly - Rebecca (team member)

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